Attribution: Alfa100us
Image: A Typical Clyde Pose When it Slept, Very Unlike other Cats
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Upon my daughter
Azlin’s Commencement
she stayed on for a few months in the States
Clyde, a Scottish Fold came into her life.
It shared the apartment with her other house-mates
Azlin got attached to it and didn’t have the heart
but to take it back home.
At the airport Clyde in its cage was watery in its eyes
'meowing' pleading to be released. Azlin was shedding
tears unashamedly on the couch next to it sadly
thinking Clyde would be alone in the cargo hold.
It went through quarantine for a few days upon
arrival. Again tears freely flowed before Clyde was
brought home to
meet with the rest of our family.
It was such a joy! Being a house-cat
it set in motion the routine for the household for
the few years following.
It would lay down at its own corner upon
layered ‘beddings’ or otherwise loitering
around the house, chasing and messing with the pieces
of strings or little rounded objects that we bought.
The fabric lounge set was subject to frequent
scratching before it got ‘shooed’ away every
now and then
Daily chores of scooping the ‘balls’ of pee and poo
from the ‘sand’ and replenishing same, a refreshing
bath occasionally when ticks invaded the silky fur
rare visits to the vet and even being left at the
Pets Hotel when the family went out of town
for a few days. Not forgetting buying the cat food
pellets and sand from the Pet Shop every so often.
This went on for a few years of Pet bliss until one day
it suddenly went heavy on both hind legs and
was dragging itself about.
The vet confirmed besides old age there were
some complications of its colon and lower parts
of its tummy. It so happened it was due for surgery
when most of the family members were
away in Alor Star about 500km up north.
My daughter was at the vet but was called
back to the office we were later told.
The surgery took place anyway and Clyde was
alone with strange people around him.Clyde
did not make it.. When the sad news was conveyed,
I cried out as the rest of the family.
We had Clyde buried in a shallow grave at the back-yard
But the sadness and tears lingered on for a few days.
More so when it seemed that prior to surgery when Clyde
did not get to see us it broke its little heart. The vet
said this could have hastened its demise. It seemed
Animals have strange ways of knowing if the family
were close by or not. It could have survived if we had been
there to give the moral support.
We felt terribly sorry we were not there when
needed us most!