Sunday, October 13, 2013

In a drunken stupor!

Image: Courtesy of Grandma's

I hear voices in a drunken stupor
It's funny! We doctors can sometimes
'see' the future just by listening
I advise you not to go on drinking

(140 characters)

Linda at Grandma's Goulash, Succinctly Yours week 134 provided the
above sketch for a Micro Fiction of not exceeding 140 characters and to
include the word  - stupor.


  1. it can most certainly be bad for your health...all those loose inhibitions running around....smiles..

  2. Great post.


  3. yeah avoid the drink here at my rink

  4. Good one, Hank. And thank you for your understanding comment on my poem about Marcel. He had a sad life. He deserved a much happier one.

  5. Hank, you diagnosed this one very well. If one doesn't want to hear voices in his drunken stupors then don't don't drink. Like I would know?

  6. This one made me smile, although doctors are usually far better at seeing into past. So many ailments in our later years are caused by bad habits from the past.
