Image: Halloween Pumpkin
Source: Wikimedia Commons (here)
Uncanny designs devilish in nature
Its appearance ghoulish and macabre
imagination set to venture
Acceptable even without a lure
Transcending through time and space
Flirtatious roaming about the community
Scouring door to door moving in a maze
Trick or treats not entirely charity
But beware youngsters of present day danger
Times have changed now wrought with risks
Stalkers aplenty when opportunities appear
Defenseless revelers not given a miss
While among those friendly house owners
Once, one was known to have pulled a gun
Contending at the door a would-be robber
Or was it just a mere excuse of defense
Ghost-themed and morbid all so sincere
Halloween to fulfill an annual adventure
Having them indoors can be served better
To stifle probabilities of impending danger
Anna hosting at d'Verse's Meeting the Bar: Wild Beast. Anna has a macabre avant garde as a theme