Sunday, September 30, 2018

it was no more a worry for parents

                                                                                             Author: Cyprien MacCamley
Image: Teens on Vacation (here)

the 12 given words:
worry stand talk sex plans know 
knock blend awful here face fact   

it seemed no more a worry for parents
teenagers took a stand not to talk about sex
it was reassuring for they had plans?
no more talk, they just did it
'they know everything even in graphic details....'
they knocked around the social media
the blend of presentation left
nothing  to the imagination
awful to parents

but here teens came face to face with facts
birds and the bees now seemed kids' stuff
fit for the kindergartens

they were already adults
they talked and did adult things
or risk being labelled as old-fashioned prudes
now reserved only for parents

Brenda's Sunday Whirl #371
Mary's at PU's Poetry Pantry #422


  1. I think kids are always in a big hurry to do adult behaviour, and our media rushes them towards it far too soon. Sigh. It must be a complicated world for the young these days, with so many dark messages. Well said, Hank.

  2. I cannot ever remember having a talk with parents saying things I didn't know... though I think it was more on drugs than sex...

  3. My late husband and myself was always "Availiable" to talk to our three offsprings about any subject. A pity now I am alone two are not here for me, the third very ill in Spain. My door is always open to any of them despite the family situation.

    A great poem Hank and a real joy to read.

  4. Well,it seems that every generation has to find their own way of dealing with sex, etc. Parents, as well as kids, struggle with the subject it seems.

  5. I remember my mom saying she wanted to talk to me about "the birds and bees". I told her sure. What did she want to know?

  6. It is getting harder and harder for kids to be kids. That is sad, indeed, but more than that … for parents, it is scary … the consequences: terrifying.

  7. So many just get pushed all the crap from the media and such that they think they have to grow up fast and so they do, most times not for the best.

  8. Yup! "...for the times they are a changin'"

  9. Instead of sex being a natural thing for the specific purpose of replenishing the race with an enjoyment bonus for doing so; it is now a competition to win over as many of the opposite sex as possible with no long term concern for the consequences. Clearly the creation of humanity was a mistake as they are only adept at stuffing everything up!

  10. Too early into sex will only steal innocence, not make kids adults.

    much love...

  11. Monday WRites 174 is live. I invite you to link up

    much love

  12. Grow up too fast and then you get to be the big bad parent.

  13. Love this, especially your ending! Hard for people to maintain their own clocks, when some run incredibly fast.

  14. How glad I am that I am no longer a parent of adolescents!

  15. I don't know what my parents did right, but I had a childhood well into my teens without really knowing about or wanting to know about sex in all its details.
