Tak Bai happened on Oct 25, 2004. Six locals were
initially arrested. A demonstration to call for their release were later tear-gassed by military
reinforcements. Hundreds arrested, bound, shirtless, stacked into trucks to be
transported. On arrival 3 hrs later 85 were found dead (7 of gunshot wounds and
78 of apparent suffocation) None in government were ever held accountable nor prosecuted
( more at Wiki)
Image:1 Planking Tak Bai style prior to being stacked into military trucks 6 deep for the 3 hr journey
Image:2 The propensity for Planking seemed popular with the military
Image:3 Planking on another occasion on the hard and hot tarmac
Image:4 Planking by the sea on the hot sand
Tak Bai 'massacre'
Planking imposed for numbers
Hands bound and shirtless
To be transported
Stacked high six deep into trucks
Nightmarish journey
Many just
Of suffocation on route
None brought to justice
Planking as a fad was brought to another level in mid 2011. Planking was then a craze to be done at unusual places, accompanied with fun and laughter, a far cry from the sufferings at Tak Bai
Image:5 Atop a tractor
Image:6 Across 2 camels
Image:7 In the Today Studio?
(Picture Credit: All from Google Images)