Sunday, March 18, 2018

a certain blight on his reasoning

                                                                                             Author: Tomascastelazo
Image: Hand with 'power stone' bracelets
holding a box with smoking incense (here)

11of 12 given words:
blight (a thing that spoils or damages something)
cajole (persuaded to do by sustained coaxing or flattery)
cringe heap called kind close wild wolf means small

a certain blight on his reasoning
he was cajoled into acting foolishly
cringed at the ease of its happening
heaps of flattery working lavishly

called to check on its vulnerability
it was kind of too close for comfort
wild wolf whistles could turn nasty
means of getting attention of sorts

a pretty young lass should not bother
small price to pay but worth the bastions
could be damaging if allowed to fester
let attention seekers resort to other diversions

Brenda's Sunday Whirl Wordle #343
Mary's at PU's Poetry Pantry#395


  1. Given words used to their potentional. Good verse Hank.
    Have a great Sunday.


  2. Sure have to let them go seek elsewhere

  3. love the crisp phrasing Hank as well as the way you wove the given words into this poem -
    we can all relate to this - being 'cajoled to act foolishly'

  4. "could be damaging if allowed to fester
    let attention seekers resort to other diverts"... indeed! One can never be too cautious.

  5. Always worthwhile words here, Hank

  6. Love the meter. For some reason, I read it wit an Irish accent!

  7. Oh those foolish acts that are not worth it in the long run....they seem to stay with us far too long festering.....wonderful use of the words...powerful truth!

  8. I think it's worth while to pass it with a cold head and a straight back

  9. Ha, I especially love the first stanza.......I can just see him! for some reason trump's troll-face showed up.

  10. Loved the closing must not get tempted.

  11. Ah, the blight on his reasoning....seems that this blight often affects the young. Smiles.

  12. Thankfully, those days of being 'cajoled into acting foolishly' do come to an end. Good one, Hank!

  13. A great use of the prompt.Wolf whistles are indeed foolish.

  14. I think that last word--very good advice--might be "diversions"? I admit to being susceptible to flattery because it is rare ... to save myself I have to walk away.

    1. Thanks Susan. Hank adjusted it to allow for the rhyming too!

  15. I don't know how you do it but you put the words into action.

  16. Love the meter too - your words flow with ease.
    In my lifetime I have only received one wolf whistle (when a young thing). I turned my head to see who the possible admirer was and walked clean into a lamppost...
    Anna :o]

  17. There was an era when young men after work on a Friday lined the main street down town and whistled and cajoled the ladies and that was considered cool. NOT ANY MORE. 2018 women cringe at being cajoled and find it very bothersome. MOST men would just look and shut up or talk to another man nowadays

    much love...
