Sunday, February 21, 2016

The morning after he had the occasion to witness

                                                                              Attribution: Maximilien Luce (1890)
mage: The Usual Morning After (here)

11 of 12 given words:
attack rage truth free start sun 
still two crispy yearning volume 

The morning after he had the occasion to witness
They were under attack holding onto their heads
Splitting headache they complained often in a rage
In truth they had one too many the night before
Not used to being free from shackles of poverty
More so from the horrors of human conflict back home
They drowned their sorrows forgetting it was forbidden

They forgot the good fortune of having escaped the war
They braved the high seas in makeshift boats and were
rescued from perils of a watery grave only months ago

Few had a good start earning their keeps under the hot
sun but still one or two succumbed to 'the good life'

Had seen these happenings, 'crispy' initially but wasted life
He would have nothing of it for he had yearnings to fulfill
Had been there a few years longer than the new arrivals
His siblings were still back home desiring to join him

His 'morning after' was to faithfully be at his workplace to
earn volumes of euros to make a difference to his struggles

For Brenda's Sunday Whirl Wordle #239 and
Mary's at PU's Poetry Pantry #290


  1. A hangover on many levels..any huge change requires adjustments and uneasiness..i think in time balance will be achieved..

  2. "He would have nothing of it for he had yearnings to fulfill"...a faith like this is what makes a man a man...

  3. Have to push on through everything if one wants to get to where they want to be.

  4. The complex life of a refugee...wanting to be with family, yet happy to escape and escaping again with a bit too much to drink. In some ways I think we all have times in our lives when we feel like this...wanting to escape, although we can never really know their plight.

  5. The side effects of life and living always stay with us, in different shapes (less painful for some, more for others), but they are always there... sticking their fingers into the shaping of day after day after day...

  6. That is quite a tale you have written, Hank!

  7. Tenacity is the word he needed to learn.
    Great write Hank.

  8. Sounds like he is trying to stay focused under difficult circumstances. You have quite the story there Hank.

  9. A wonderfully drawn, inspired write. A pleasure to read!

  10. when we face with big challenges it's hard to act in right way to yourself if another close ones next to you....deep psychological approach...

  11. Hank,

    You created a voyage of great interest and adventure, returning him back in time for his office routine. Rather like a vivid dream!!
