Image: A Broken Pot Patched Together
(may hold water but some)
Source: Wikimedia Commons (here)
Tedious close to a
(may hold water but some)
Source: Wikimedia Commons (here)
Tedious close to a
troubled year where many
gave sighs of relief
Radiance of new dawn
Heralds discourse of hope
Amidst trying times
Groggy hysteria
Conflicts and social woes still
casting long shadows
Resolutions of
Cracked Pot kind meeting part of
still deemed successful
Note: This relates to a story from a reader to Pakcik (here) where
a cracked pot of water carried a distance arriving half full was still better.
Half of resolutions met was better than no resolutions to target for in
the first place
a cracked pot of water carried a distance arriving half full was still better.
Half of resolutions met was better than no resolutions to target for in
the first place
Written for Kerry’s hosting at Real Toads with - let's make a few resolutions