Image1: Norman drawing a Still Life from memory
Image2: The end product, succulent fruits on a plate and flower in a vase
Two Offerings:
#1 A haiku to wrap up September Heights in Haiku Heights
with prompt –free-
Young minds are amazing
I asked what are you to draw?
Fruits! He responded
But where are the fruits?
Here! He pointed to his head
He could draw free-hand!
#2 A free verse on people watching.
I would relate here
not exactly people watching but rather observing my grandson Norman when he
went about making the sketch.
Young minds, young innocents
Ever so alert wanting to respond
With a high level of imagination
Difficult for the elderly to fathom
A still life drawn from memory
It is something fantastic really
Deftly he took the pencil in one hand
Across the paper a stretch of two lines
Glanced at me, smiled and confidently
drew little circles ever so slowly
turned out to be grapes and strawberries
Bigger roundish blobs to the right following
an orange and an apple and a mangosteen.
To hold back the rear a watermelon
And a flower stalk in a vase, to maintain balance
Triumphantly he next began shadings for depth
A young mind still not that adept
There is an upside in free hand drawing
Anything goes anything to link
But the downside is, he is handicapped
As the shadings to profess depth
are mere conjectures falling back
on experience which he lacks
But he is learning and it’s a big show
For honing his skills the best way he knows
The path is open and only he to decide
What to pick on and which way to strike
His destiny with all stubborn persistence
The whole world wide open at his insistence
Written for
Haiku Heights' Sept Ht's last prompt - free- and
d’Verse where Brian is hosting on people watching