Friday, May 14, 2021

was it that bad to be a vegetarian?

                                                                                           Author: anon
Image: She  Could not Hold 
Back her Patience  (here)

she stood at the railings seemingly 
unperturbed feigning a disappointment
partial to her angry self but still
within control

she shuffled her feet grabbed the doorknob
stormed inside her head swirling her anger 
now more apparent and she slumped
onto the waiting lounge chair

she had not been this angry but lately
she had been under tremendous pressure

he said he would marry her
they were supposed to sizzle
blazing a trail any young couple
would gladly undertake

but under the smallest pretext
while leisurely sitting on the couch
he confessed he was not into
vegetables no way he would turn
vegetarian crackling a triumphant
response to her appeal

he was happy with his sushi, big mac
raw herring, pasta, and the like but he
could not see himself as 'a grass-eater'
in his own words and dismissed her
contention of a compromise that she
had vainly sought.

was it that bad to be a vegetarian?
she could survive on just an orange
a day without having anything else
to swallow but her pride

but still, he was adamant! No way
he could turn to be a vegetarian

Fireblossom at Sunday Muse #160


  1. Me neither, unfortunately. The spirit is willing but the appetite says no.

  2. I have a daughter like that except her husband died of the COVID-19. She lives on fruit and vegetable juices. She has other off-beat tastes besides foods. My time to think vegetarian is when I see a semi-truck full of HAPPY little pigs not knowing they are headed to market. But that goes away in a bit and I'm back to ham, liverwurst, and chicken breasts.
    Nice write, Hank, eating tastes would never have entered my mind except for peeking in here. And wives, women I know, or daughters won't change my mind.

    1. To each his own really, Dr Jim! Hank would not think seriously of going vegetarian fully. But upon becoming older one gets to know the benefits of vege to old age. Pile up more vege now and even choose those enhancing the immune system as well. Yes, been doing that. Thanks for sharing!

    2. Jim -- that is so awful about your son-in-law. What a terrible traegdy.

  3. Not certain there is the possibility of compromise! Cheers, Hank.

  4. It seems there was no effort made to compromise. I am not a vegetarain, but find I am heading that direction these days.

    1. Good for you Susie Ma'am! We are heading in the same direction, yes! Wishing you the best!

  5. There's a lot I'd like to say about vegetarianism but it's a political issue and so will decline. The characters in your story are mismatched and I hope they each find one better suited to them.

  6. This rings a bell. My husband is a vegetarian and I am not. The kitchen is dominated by the man in the house. Hank, you did a fine job with that juxtaposition of choices.

  7. I tried eating vegetable style but it lasted a few months. I crave a little meat now and then

    Happy Sunday


  8. Transferring a passion to a partner is tough.

  9. Sometimes we do have to swallow our pride. Glad you joined in at the Muse Hank. You were the early bird this week. 😊

  10. I enjoy my roast beef and other meats too much to be a vegatarian. Loved the read. Well done.

  11. I suppose if they couldn't compromise on this, they were going to be in trouble anyway!

  12. I think that is something one needs to truly discuss, as eating habits are a life long issue.

  13. A family of special diets here -- a grandson with PKU, a granddaughter with diabetes, a DIL with gluten intolerance, so a vegetarian diet is almost a necessity!

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