Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Displaying courage and sacrifice beyond their young minds

                                                                                   Photo by Esposito 
Image: Wayward children eating
Spaghetti (found in an old postcard)  (here)

They grew up together with an affinity to help each other
Displaying courage and sacrifice beyond their young minds
they hugged their unfortunate situation unwillingly. Trapped 
in the evil clutches of poverty ever wishing to be blessed 
with abundance. How well he remembered. She was such 
an adorable lass in the neighbourhood ever so friendly. By a 
stroke of ill luck, both had to fend their future alone all by 
themselves. Hell was their young days with pleadings of 
pangs of hunger a constant companion. The cries of a sibling 
breaking the silence of cold and dark nights never 
a day without guilt just pricked his conscience.

What am I doing here? Clamouring for the daily favours
Milk for my younger sister that’s all we ask for. A single 
mother at her wit’s end with two mouths to feed. A slice 
of bread was all we need

He, the ever-faithful companion never to fail her. No
blood relations nor any relationships but the common tie
of deprivation cemented the bond. She, lost in the ever cruel
world of having been abandoned sought solace as a lost
child clutching tenaciously to a man's presence for unfounded
security. So they held hands clutching not a breakaway necessary
nor required but for the sake of safety in numbers 

Ingrid at d'Verse Poetics: exploring the 
narrative voice


  1. Oh this is tragic, Hank, and so well told! At least they had each other.

  2. So sad yet it touches one's heart Hank.


  3. A poignant poem, Hank, and I like the way you brought the children in the photo back to life.

  4. The connection between picture and poem is so strong it almost feels like a documentary. I can almost hear a melancholy choral piece hummed in the background while you narrate the image with your words!!

  5. A touching story told, Hank, of a bond fostered in the midst of poverty and hopelessness.

  6. I agree, a touching story Hank. I hope it ends well for them.

  7. Excellent Hank, so well written! Heavy…
