Sunday, November 17, 2013

What About the Letter

Image: Courtesy of Tess' Mag 194

Sunday Whirl, the words:
befuddled breath isolate lanky marsh mouth
murky pain puddle race razor silky whiskey

befuddled and perplexed
he remembered the letter
was still in his pocket, soiled
but he could not readily respond

his breath reeking cheap whiskey
mouth frothing and head turning
he could not expect to be at his best
how he regretted his boy’s night out

a lanky guy he tried to race
through the murky marsh
but there were puddles to avoid
he was in pain from the razor sharp
old boughs rotting in the ground
only the silky handkerchief around
his neck sustained his resolve

he tried hard to isolate the hardships
and confusion from his clouded mind
he must make it through the slush
after all they cannot go on without him
he’s lost but somehow he must make it

for tomorrow is his wedding day

Written for Tess' Magpie Tales #194 and Poets United's Poetry Pantry #176


  1. Hank,

    I have no doubt that it was the cheap whiskey which must be blamed. A good single-malt, would have kept the young man on the straight and narrow...Perhaps he might have read the letter:)


  2. hoo boy- must have been a hard night!

  3. oh he better clean up fast...ha...and sober up...he has the rest of his life before him....

  4. haha oh stuck in a stuper from the night before, but sober on up

  5. A fine Brit, that one, probably rushed out drunk into the marshes, and has to make it 30 miles to his township; will get a little sleep only before he must rise and begin the rest of his days with his lady love; whom he knows will morph into a harpy if he does not come to terms with the drink & his mates.

  6. aww....he better hurry up and rush before the time runs out..........

  7. Ah yes, the wedding day, I like, and I fell in somewhat of the same twist here as well as you did! Wonderful Magpie.

  8. Regrets? He has more than a few! Nice combination of two challenges, Hank!

  9. Love it...the ending really surprised me!

  10. Ha! :-D I was waiting for a glum ending but it turned out to be completely different. Well-penned. :-)

  11. Wow..
    that was beautiful.. twisted end to a tale..
    I love when poems ends that way :)
