Saturday, August 6, 2011


Image 1: 'We're friends.....

Image: 2...Please do not disturb...zzzz...ugh!, ugh! ...zzz... purr...purr..

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Google

How We Met

Remember the day?
Just lazing after my bath
Medicated bath!

Some few nasty ticks
Disturbed me minutes ago
They’ve been washed away

Now on the sofa
I’ve never had it so good
I’ll just go to sleep

Then a nasty shock
The door then was left ajar
He came in slowly

Menacingly fierce
He saw me on the sofa
I’m no match for him

A sturdy Great Dane
Or was it an alsation?
He came towards me

Gosh, I am done for
I could spy a twisted smile
He would spring on me?

He progressed nearer
He was just walking easy
He made it to me

Can I make a fight?
He enjoys toying with me?
With it a slow death?

I remember it
Just as I did to the mouse
Which made a wrong turn

I flipped it over
Stepping, shoving and nosing
Oh, what fun it was!

His rough aroma
Whiffed over near to my throat
I am gone, done for!

I’ll just close my eyes
It will be a painful death
He’s now over me

He licked my ears, nose
Lapped my head body and hands
A slow death ritual?

No, no,.....oh my God!
He caught the nape of my neck
I struggled and fell

I opened my eyes
His paw in front of my nose
I hesitated

He gave me a smile
Again he lifted me up
Dropped at his belly

I snuggled quietly
Was just rescued from the pound
He's been a friend since

Inspired by Haiku Heights #55 with prompt 'Friendship'


  1. Brilliant to get all that from such a brief prompt. Well done, indeed!

  2. very nice...dogs have such the unconditional love...a nice spin on friendship...

  3. haha - that's great...sounds like a great friendship...i used to have a dog when i was a teenager and i loved him dearly..

  4. nice one!

    what's supposed to be enemies can turn out to be friends. :)

  5. Nice one on a friendship pure!! Love those pictures!!
    Happy friendship day to you!!

  6. kaykuala,

    It was a pleasure to read this poem. Warm and real. Just the ingredients required by good friends!

    Best wishes, Eileen

    Thank you for your visits to my Blog.

  7. As an animal lover/parent/guardian of 9 cats and 3 dogs ... well done!! :-)

  8. Such a cute series of haikus describing how unexpectedly some friendships evolve!

  9. Bet you enjoyed writing this set of haiku. I have 4 dogs...they'll also like this haiku.

  10. Awww! The photos are so beautiful and I loved the poem - amazing haiku! My dogs would laugh at this poem (I have a Labradoodle and a German Shepherd and I'm sure this how the lab felt when she came home as a wee pup to a huge future heart-buddy!)

  11. I love the cat recalling what s/he did to the mouse and sure the same fate was in store! Sweet images, and I know plenty of dog/cat buddy combos. Thanks for the giggle, Hank! Amy
