Saturday, April 24, 2021

The tenacity of purpose defies logic

                                                                                      Author: Carrie
Image: Strength of  Purpose (here)

Theme: Art and Colours
U is for Ultimatum of Acceptance

A show of  adaptations
Confident in its elation
Taking the silent roar 
of the vast wooded jungle 
all on its own

Flowers that will not wait
for hot summer 
to steal away its strength
its fate sealed when led astray

A picture of dogged sensibility
To survive, stealing the sun
to glow in a way defining
protocol of the wayward son

Flowers that employ the wind
To garner support 
to retain its beauty, 
an outright sin
but for a good cause 
without restrain

A thing of beauty
In all of its tenacity!
Undying eagerness
The tenacity of purpose 
defies logic


A to Z April Challenge - U
Carrie's Sunday Muse #157


  1. Surely a mark of tenacity, and some bloom where they're planted, even when in the most dire of circumstance. Great poem!

  2. Flower power has been captured beautifully here Hank!! Love this!

  3. "beauty / In all its tenacity" -- I really like that!

  4. I "love" the concept of undying eagerness ......

  5. A wayward flower but still blooming gloriously. I like the admiration I hear in your words for the wayward flower.

  6. I always find it amazing when a flower grows in unexpected places. It does seem defy logic at times.

  7. While working in hospice I often visited a dignified, frail and displaced Southern lady. She often commented on her surprise at reaching 95. None of her family had attained to such an age. I one day broke down an told her that she was an Oak tree. She looked mystified. I said, "You know what an Oak tree is, don't you?" She nodded, but said, "Tell me." "An Oak tree is just a nut that held its ground." She looked angry at first, and then she laughed.

    The tenacity of life -- plant and otherwise.

    Great poem.

    1. Hank is not surprised at the initial reaction as a 'nut' does not sound complimentary on its own. Good thing you had the ready-made explanation. Thanks Charley, good humour!


  8. Tenacity is a wonderful thing just like the blooms Hank.
    Well done on an excellent verse.


  9. Love this, Hank!

    "The tenacity of purpose/defies logic"

