Sunday, March 10, 2019

until a shriek stabbed the air

                                                                          Photo Courtesy of Lakshmi Bhat
Image: Child Left Unattended (here)

the 11 of 12 given Wordle words:
instinct legs pace other chain 
caper (to leap or skip about in a sprightly manner)
passage bar prank rub plan 

gormless (stupid)

towards the road the baby scurried unaware
her tiny legs propelled fast  to outpace others
the chain of events suddenly led to a scare
did not seem to appear as a risk at first
until a shriek, a loud cry stabbed the air

heading towards her a runaway trailer
and she was not even anywhere on the road yet
no stopping an 8-wheeled vehicle of a monster
with divine intervention, it stopped in its track
saved the day a miracle not a regret to matter

to expect a child to caper out gleefully
door inadvertently left open with no obstacles
free passage for innocence to explore naturally
not barred but into a whole new world

it became life-threatening intended as a prank
rubbed the wrong way misplaced gormless plan

Brenda's Sunday Whirl #394
Susan's Sunday Photo Fiction
Marian's at Real Toad's - gormless


  1. Things can sure go wrong fast, would be awful for any parent

  2. That's why you can't let them out of you sight - or out the door.

  3. Hank, this is a sobering reminder to love your children well .......

  4. This can happen so easily. With kids come so many responsibilities.

  5. Yikes! One can never afford a moment's distraction when it comes to handling the kids!

  6. Oh the world is such a dangerous place... and kids have a will of their own

  7. It reminds me of a massive scare I had the other day when a tot broke from her mother's grip and dashed right in front of my car. Fortunately my reflexes and the brakes worked.

  8. Oh danger can arrive faster than a blink!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Poor baby, they are not cognizant of danger. Well written, Hank, of a story our system does not like to hear. 

  11. Sadly little legs explore unaware of dangers; such are the risks of freedom.

  12. Children love to explore, which is good, but can be scary.
