Sunday, June 3, 2012


 Image:1 Working on a Dream is a life-long Pre-occupation for Everyone

Image:2 As some have rightly done so
(Picture credit: Google images)

Signing your life away the Japanese way 
a lifetime of slaving. No it's not! It's dedication
and faith in an employer.Working next to Nellie 
may not be ideal as bad habits and short cuts are thrown in aplenty
Work (not walk) don’t run hiding away from all the ‘fun’
A constant reminder to the shirkers
Who are no more workers but just job jugglers
Working is a joy and make hobbies pay. As artists can well testify 
Work is distasteful, a constant union battlecry
until they find themselves out of work high and dry

Work and no play undoubtedly is bad. The present mantra
is not work hard but rather work smart.Working your heart’s out
should not be the answer. Saves all the sweating for better results
Working through College is a thing of the past.
As Daddy has to slog it out as an alternative.
Unwind after work is the in-thing for the yuppies
Happy Hours is a blast
Sadly those working from home realized it can be
awesome for freedom but a nightmare for time management 
The computer is an office rightly so for SOHO
Which saves lots of hassles travelling to and fro

But as the Aussies say it’s a flat out like a lizard drinking' .....
(working very hard on a task) for in a home environment
You really have to put all your heart and soul into it
Or the backlog will pile up and life’s topsy-turvy
as many found to their utter dismay

Written for d'Verse Poetics Working for it


  1. touch different aspects of work here...i work from at home every once and a while but you can get easily distracted and think it needs much discipline..and then one thing that spoke to me was working smart, finding the right balance...when i started my new job, i lost that a bit and the fam was suffering...

  2. So much ground you've covered here, you've done well to cover it all equally. I enjoyed this read. I think it's one of your best.

  3. You hit on many good points here, Hank. The one about "working your way through college" hit a nerve with me. My son is a hard worker, and as far as I know, my grandson is too. The Gson is getting ready to go to college this fall, and things are tight money-wise. I told my son, well he'll have to get a job to help pay his way. He said, "No, kids who try to work and go to school drop out." The top of my head about blew off.
    Great write, my man. I like what you have to say!

  4. u've covered it all..
    working is never easy.. from home or someplace else.. it needs some adjustments and hard work as well..

  5. ha i like that last stanza best...and trust me there are many that would be happy just to be working....again you approach it from all angles which is pretty cool hank....

  6. I can identify with all of this and yes, working at home can take up all of your home time, if we allow it to.
    Kids these days don't seem to realise the whole old idea of work. They don't expect to have to work their way through college to get an education anymore. all they seem to want these days is isn't fame and fortune.
    Some good truths in all of this Hank!

  7. True and love this...Work and no play undoubtedly is bad. The present mantra
    is not work hard but rather work smart.Working your heart’s out
    should not be the answer. :)

  8. True there has to be a mix or else you're always trying to fix. Hate going to work, but I know it surely is a perk.

  9. Nicely done Hank--lots of little captures of all the facets of the working world.

  10. Very cool....and I looked the following-

    Working is a joy and make hobbies pay. As artists can well testify 
    Work is distasteful, a constant union battlecry
    until they find themselves out of work high and dry

    This is me all over...I whuneand butch and moan...but what if I didn't have my job? Hmmmm...I'm not sure I'd like to answer that.....

  11. you make a lot of good observations here and touch on a lot of aspects of work that go beyond just gong doing your job getting paid and coming home

    Sonnet 24
