Thursday, October 19, 2023

We love the good news

                                                                                Author:  Vyacheslav Argenberg
Image: A glacial field covered with snow. 
Nepal, Himalayas (here) A peaceful scene naturally true

Not wanting to make light
of rumours garnered through
the grape-vine nothing is
more frustrating than to
hear tell it was the truth

That bad news is what it is - bad news!
Tell it even when it hurts

We do love the good news
No one disputes that
What is the need to be told lies
What value do they put into it

We want to know the good
We want to rejoice together
Ours is the desire that we are together
We laugh together
It is group therapy so it seems
We cry together if need be
We do not fancy laughing 
When some others are crying
but tell the truth

The might of the mighty
could be seared at the seams
just through a sliver-thin
confirmation of unsolicited

The truth hurts
but tell it as it is

Nothing desirous 
to be taken for a ride
Credibility is a potent ally

Bjorn at d'Verse  meet-the-bar-


  1. Truth of the matter is studiously ignored by everyone in power: corporates, governments ... If the honest and sincere decided to collectively stand up and protest, will it tip the scales?

  2. We do not want to lve like that but alas Shadenfreude is all too common.

  3. But what is ‘truth’. Its hard to determine in today’s world as there are too may hidden agendas.

  4. Seems greed and money blinds us to the truth. We are like a horse with blinders, avoiding the distractions of truth to make it where we want to go. Well done.

  5. Good or bad news - the truth prevails. Though it is hard to tell the truth nowadays.

  6. The truth is so hard to find in a sea of misinformation. So sad that this is the way things are these days

  7. There is so much misinformation and deliberate disinformation around now.

  8. Tell it as it is! We need that to get past the lies for the collective good.

  9. This is powerfully written, Hank! Let the truth prevail!
