Tuesday, October 24, 2023

sense of responsibility blurs with excuses

                                                                                         Author: L E X commons
Image:  Tug of War is acceptable (here)

when they take a defensive stance
they go into fancy footwork as in a dance
trying hard to convince all

blame liberally assigned to others
finger-pointing with a smirk
sense of responsibility blurs with excuses
refusal to admit, a cause so lame

in the hand combat of old those targeted 
were fair game uniformed fighters but
wars now are fought from the safety of
the general's domain behind the lines

now civilian targets are not spared 
the weak the children and the aged
are now termed as collateral  damage

conflicts must be resolved at the
negotiation table, period!

Punam at d'Verse poetics-why-war/


  1. I agree, Hank. Civilians suffering and dying is horrifying.

  2. I cannot see a possibility to negotiate with someone who never keep his world though... such negotiations is fruitless... imagine trying to negotiate a deal with Hitler...

  3. Most hearfelt poem Hank. as already said much suffering and dying is horrific.

  4. "collateral damage" -- what a cold stark phrase for ruined lives and innocence lost.
