Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Electronics and Mechatronics


Image:1 Norman and Kimie fooling around under the coconut tree

The School Holidays -  Two weeks to savour. A respite awaited for! 
It divides the year into two more or less. There are also at other times 
for instance the one at the end of year. That would stretch for almost six 
weeks, the ultimate. But nothing like one in mid-year. It is akin to a 
rest in between takes short enough to rest a little but not too long to 
lose the momentum

Yippee! It is here!
It will be on for two weeks
But time flies quickly

Image: 2 Kimie and Norman at the water-fall at Gramp's

Image: 3 Norman and Kimie at the Club Pool

At the Club - Not too early in the morning but just about when it is turning 
a little warmer. A spot of swimming is in order. A two- hour stint is about 
enough to unwind a little and then off to the cafeteria for some snacks

Water is soothing
Balanced movements of muscles
One feels light and trim

Image:4  Some snacks after the swim

The 4 images above were taken many years ago when they were kids at play. 
They are now in College, both reading for their B. Eng  Norman is in his 3rd 
year specialised in Electronics (computer information) and Kimie in the 1st year 
specialised in Mechatronics (robotics and artificial intelligence) Kimie gets to 
design and play with robots with a mind of their own.

Jade at d'Verse : Haibun poetry - poetics playtime


  1. Aren't they the sharp young men! You must be very proud of them.

  2. Wonderful haibun that expresses an appreciation for the joy of play, Hank. Sounds like both of your grandkids chose their careers with care. I would like to hear what Kimie has to say about his experiences with AI robots!

  3. Great story, and maybe those days of playing were when they learned the most.
