Monday, August 30, 2021

political leaders play to the gallery

Image: People Skills Necessary 
in Leadership (here)

the 12 given words
close conduct grin miles rise 
out wind name cream 
shimmering (shining with a soft, 
slightly wavering light
stories sin 

they maintain close contact to conduct
their all with a grin seen miles away

they make an appearance and stake
their claims within the scheme of things 
extending their influence before even 
being elected to office.
they are seen as larger than life to rise 
out of the cold wind to bring a name 
for themselves with cream of 
shimmering stories as a protector of sin 
political leaders play to the gallery 
it is a popularity contest that determines
positions of strength to sustain 
their presence

whereas corporate leaders impose their will
through ability and skills. 
often they align themselves to the powers 
that be to be noticed. 
they gain prominence through personal 
skills employing subtle strategies often 
brutal but surreptitiously done and 
duly accepted

the leadership of a family unit is no exception
it is often more difficult though as the authority 
is not as clear-cut nor formalized. 

love naturally is the saving grace that
keeps the family from falling apart

Brenda's Sunday Whirl Wordle #516

1 comment:

  1. Yet another poem Hank that one gives much thought to, excellent written. The last two lines speaks volumns in today's world.
    Take care.
