Attribution: Christian Ferrer / W.Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0
Image: An Elmleaf Blackberry (here)
(the image shows stages of the formation of flowers and fruits.
1. Flower bud. 2. Flower. 3. Faded flower. 4. Fruit buds which
form from the faded flowers)
bold starting out strong
virgin green fresh as Springtime
to start a lineage
(Flower bud - bottom right)
flowering beauty
spray of colours brightly spun
domain of the bees
(Flower - top right)
it worked its wonders
attraction no more, fulfilled
mothering the young
(Faded flower - top left)
life cycle invoked
beginnings of a breakout
bold starting out strong
(Fruit buds - bottom left)
Note: all the 4 haiku structured in
a traditional 5-7-5 syllable count
Frank's at d'Verse's MTB - haiku sequence