Tuesday, September 29, 2020

to foil a fox

                                                                                   Author:Renee Grayson
Image: Eyeing its Next Move  (here)

to slice ones' desires to shove some
hidden from view under the lunch box
lest one forgets 

to foil a fox known to be sneaky 
is to trust one's conscience
not wanting to ask why 
but to defile a hoax 
the hypocrisy of a twisted mind

it is sad that liars and scammers
rule supreme in the market place
social media is open to the world
given half a chance
will do you in and laugh 
surrounded by their ill-gotten gains

forget the fox for other furry alternatives
a cat is just as cuddly with all its innocence
to let instinct to roll the red carpet
revile in one's own judgment
and live another day!

JadeLi at d'Verse Poetics - the vatic voice


  1. Hank I believe that a cat is more innocent than a fox, but a cat is not innocent to a songbird...

  2. “ sad that liars and scammers rule supreme”
    Only because we are allowing it Hank.

  3. Well done Hank... I think we need to find our common sense once more!

  4. Luv the image of slicing and hiding away at the beginning of this poem. Be it commonsense or reserve of sustainance there is hope of comming back to something
    Nice write Hank


  5. 'it is sad that liars and scammers
    rule supreme in the market place'
    Sad but true. I agree with Rob, it's because we allow it. We are mal-educated and misinformed. But we can re-educate ourselves, and I think reading and writing poetry can be a big part of that education!

  6. The truth can be hard to locate.

  7. Wxcellent verse Hank, message coming over very well.


  8. There is so much that social media can destroy... I just hope that someday we will learn to live within it.
