Monday, March 11, 2013


                                                             Author: Attributed to Ryan Linton
Image: The Grand Canyon from the Desert View Watch Tower
Source:  Licensed through Wikimedia Commons (here)

A serene visual
Three layered blended within
pulsating colors

Mid-spring facade set
in motion feelings of awe
Ostensibly cool

Not so, one of the
Seven Wonders carved out by
the Colorado

Seventeen million
years snaking through Death Valley
ever eroding

Written for Chev’s CARPE DIEM #142 daily haiku with prompt -serene-. Shared with Kerry's at Real Toads's Open Link Mondays and Mary's Poets United's Poetry Pantry #141


  1. A big hole in the ground is a wonder? haha but yeah sure it's quite the sight to see, as it erodeds away each day. #1!

  2. Sunrise and sunset are my very favorite times of day, they chance our perception of the usual view greatly, just as you have illustrated here with the perfect words for a beautiful picture!

  3. the first sets a lovely mood..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you for this lovely expression of your impression, Hank.

    The Grand Canyon was on my list of to-see's times I visited the grand canyon. But neither time was mine. One was canelled by a snow storm and the other items filling my time allowed to be there. I have flown over it a few times, it is awesome looking even from high in the sky.

  6. Beautiful haiku set Hank ... the serenity drew me to your words !!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I shall try this again... I can't type that well.
    Very lovely haiku, Hank. I have visited the Grand Canyon and it is truly awe inspiring.


  9. smiles....been a while since i was at the canyon...its a breathtaking sight for sure....warmth...i could use a bit of that right now...smiles.

  10. Yes I can certainly share your impression of the Canyon. Wonderful.

  11. I love this. It's so gorgeous. Especially the first five lines. ~andy

  12. Smashing!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3

  13. Serene is a good description of a desert sunset and the Grand Canyon makes it even more special. Lovely.

  14. 17 million years - amazing! Love the phrase "ostensibly cool". Striking image and great write, Hank!

  15. Hank, there is nothing that brings peace of mind like pondering nature. Sherry Blue Sky and I talk about this a lot... and me, a city girl. But I grew up in the country stargazing.

    This image - not just the picture, but the image created by your words - is breathtaking. I do believe this will be my last comment for tonight, because I want to end on a serene note. Bless you for this. Amy

  16. Time is only of value to humanity...

  17. Picture and poem both highlight the wonders of nature wonderfully well.

  18. Beautiful, wise, and moving.

  19. who would think erosion could be so beautiful! ??

  20. This I wish to see, now more than ever! Beautiful!
