Photo credit: One Big Photo (here)Image: A Croft : an enclosed area of land,
usually small and arable, and usually,
with a crofter's dwelling within - Wiki.
the 10 of 12 given Wordle words:
borders, safe, smiling, forgetting,
face, keys, goes, gains, saw, spilled
fenced up all along its borders with
those of other crofts in the area they
were safe within their confines. Very
much like a modern housing estate
but with the luxury of a bigger
surrounding area
he kept smiling looking not forgetting
his childhood years spent there. His face
lighted up. A bunch of keys safe in his
clutch-bag had the answer
'It goes without saying'. So it was said!
When you braved the tides and ventured
out to the big cities the gains of big
opportunities could translate into untold
wealth. He saw them. He grabbed them
Greenbacks were 'now practically oozing
out of his ears' that spilled onto the ground
so to speak. A flashy car by the gates likewise
attested to that..
The keys with him could open many of
the dwellings which had changed hands
to him. He has had it made!