Author: 'Sincerely media' at Unsplash
Image: The Power of Three (here)
wafer waltz ready feign rant dried
ridge manic winch ring widow
Her life empty without him
Wafer thin it should need a rethinking
Could spare a thought in the interim
To waltz through ready for a change
Should she feign happiness
To rant softly for the good times
Is she ready to attempt a dare
But why good ideas had dried up
She is now perched on a ridge
Turning manic with risky consequence
How then to winch body and soul
Out from a ring of emotional entrapment
None too free to merit desired attributes
Should act fast for redemption of mercy
Admittedly with strength to dispel sympathy
Not to lock horns with troublesome company
For two's a company that one would desire
Three's a crowd where adults are involved eventually
Perhaps a blessing in disguise for her to savour
For now just a lonely widow with spiritual tenacity
Rosemary's at PSU Friday-Writings-51-power-of-three
Brenda's Sunday Whirl Wordle-576/