Attribution: Quino Al on Unsplash
Image: Artisan at Work (here)
early morning before sunrise
getting ready for tasks ahead
trudging through the mist
to some dilapidated shacks
an old spinning wheel was given
a once-over before leaving the night
before now eager to continue
works of art, a real creation
very cleverly moulded by
knobbly fingers, skills handed
down through the generations
Alas, a dying trade was overtaken
by modern technology, reduction
in skilled hands and fall in demand
The passion and desire to preserve
a heritage giving way to the perennial
struggles to survive on a pittance
MLMM's Photo Challenge #187
This was so good to read Hank. Message coming across. Thanks for sharing.
Can be hard with change and so-called progress, but have to push on through and change with it.