Picture Credit: Google images
Can’t make out what’s happening
Running helter skelter round and round
Like a chicken beheaded before its time
Why all these buzzing, swooping and swirling
A bee hive smoked out is not as bad
Resigned to what’s coming, fate is cruel
Head spinning wildly the world is moving
No! a merry-go-round has taken over my being
Spinning faster and faster….
Stop! Please! All are taking positions
Change of stance is apparent
Physically it’s all confusion
A physical is only an intrusion
You have a headache?
Did you throw up?
A horrible tummy ache did you say?
Doc, I feel so weak!
I’m all cob-webs!
My mind’s blank
This happened before?
Once before…it was normally two rounds
But I did three yesterday
That’s what happened also before
Nothing’s wrong with you my man!
It’s just exhaustion
From now on just the normal two rounds
Not more than that...
At your age, golf is meant to be enjoyed!
Shared with d"Verse OpenLinkNight and Theme Thursday with prompt -confusion-