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The Cloak
The Old Bloke, with the Cloak
Not in the best of times for him to listen
His mood swings often the butt of jokes
But you had better be warned
Look me up to get a feedback
Before you get to see him
Was he just sitting there laid back
And was it safe to let you in ?
He was ever ready to swoop down
On his unsuspecting subordinates
He would not just show a frown
His bark was as vicious as his bite
Is it safe to make an entry
You can only be sure
If he’s happy and jolly
Otherwise don’t come near
Only when word got round
That the Old Bloke was off his Cloak
That’s the best of times
To go in and knock
He is now seen smiling happily
in which case you had better hurry
My Sales figures,
What about?
The graph keeps on declining!
Finished, done for
I’m in for a drubbing
My budget, the variance
My revenue is a far cry
Help me , Lord
Not that I didn’t try
Hold it, young man
That is not good marketing
It’s wishful thinking
Your Sales must be ascending
He’ll look you in the eye
That long and piercing look
You just cannot deny
You’ll be in his bad books
Only results count
Your luck may be down
That’s just too bad
He’ll get real mad
Luck and efforts don’t contribute
Results do, it’s the absolute
So, if you still want to see him
The Old Bloke with his Cloak?
You are off your defence
Take my word, no offense!
Just a word of advice
So long as your Sales are down
It is only wise
You will not want to be around
The Old Bloke with his Cloak
his mood swings will go extreme
You’ll better not be another victim
Inspired by
d'Verse Critique and Craft