Monday, June 19, 2023

Liberation of ideas

                                                                    Author: U.S. Department of the Treasury
Image:  Serious discussions (here)

Liberation in thoughts, are much maligned nonetheless. What is conceived
as idealistic and lovable are good. But passing through the test of time though 
are the outcome practical and achievable.? It is still therefore not acceptable as 
it may not work the way it is intended. All goes to show dreamers are all in 
our midst and they end up as armchair critics not wanting to venture out and 
show good results in real terms.

While they can be shown to be an active participant in many encounters
formal or otherwise at the end of the day it may just be a release of hot air.
The process entails lots of arguments and many may end up as time-wasters. 
However we are not rid of some such elements in the course of discussions.
It may help to ease off tensions though as they do provide some lighter 
moments often necessary at times.

It takes all kinds but
fruitful discussions demand
some maturity 
Frank's at d'Verse Haibun Monday-liberation/


  1. Having an idea for the future may seem good at the time but for that idea to come to fruitation will need tenacity and patience.

    Loved the post Hank,

  2. Hank, I also think it takes effort to remove one's ego from those discussions and try to act with altruism. Not easy at all. Thank you for the thoughtful haibun on liberation of ideas.
