Wednesday, June 12, 2019

there is a lull in a man's wants

                                                                        Attribution: Chris 73 / Wikimedia Commons
Image:    Desire for Food is a Fulfilment (here)

the 12 given words:
lull, swirlingreflectiongrateful, lips 
tastes certain, give table, fried, chicken  stews,

there is a lull in a man's wants
amidst swirling waters racing under the bridge
on reflection grateful that his lips are sealed
where tastes begin to sweeten
but an uncanny reluctance to push the door open
puts a damper on his initiative

perhaps a certain twist in reality is in order
given the choice right on the table
a fried chicken or pumpkin stews
something savory or something sweet

a decisive take is asked for
a tune for a burning feel
a man's desire needs fulfillment
only a loving wife understands
a straying heart is caught dead in its tracks

Sumana's at PU's Midweek Motif bridge
MMT's Sunday's Whirligig #218


  1. I like the twist in that desire for food :)

  2. "there is a lull in a man's wants amidst swirling waters racing under the bridge," such powerful opening lines to this magnificent poem, Hank!❤️

  3. That loving wife makes a fine meal, from the sound of it. I enjoyed this, Hank.

  4. Men still have minds of babies and the need to be fed by the woman of their life. Sadly his hunting instincts do sometimes lead him astray!

  5. Sounds like the man has had a reflective moment on the bridge.

  6. I love how you tugged at our emotions while reading your poem..such a balance act is our instinctual needs. Bravo, Hank!

  7. Great that twist in reality so the right decision is taken

  8. I'm grateful for that lull, aren't you? And for the relationships we can take for granted as long as they continue to acknowledge just who we are.

  9. Still seeking that need from the wife, hunger and life.

  10. Hank,
    Indeed some days my choice of menu, rests on a bridge of indecision too!!

  11. Reflections on a bridge - wonderful, Hank!
